Monday, November 1, 2010

Nöle's Adventures

Hello Yogis and fellow travelers --  this is the first post on the blog so it's as much an experiment as anything else. I thought I'd update anyone interested on Nöle's journeys in Europe.

Nöle has just finished a very successful and personally rewarding 2 day workshop in her home town--Heidelberg, Germany.  It was difficult to prepare for this workshop because she's been in the USA so long and most of the Yoga she's studied has been in English.  This is the first time she's taught in her native tongue, German.  But all's well that ends well and I heard from her that it was a transformational experience for everyone involved.  Another loving community forms around the teachings and practice.

She is now in Greece--on the Island of Lesvos outside Molivos attending Angela Farmer's Woman's Retreat.  After classes with Angela she'll offer private Integrative Restoration (i-Rest) sessions.  Anyone who's had the pleasure to work with Angela knows what a treat it is to have this much time with her.  She's one of my primary teachers as well so of course there's a tiny envy worm wiggling around in my happiness that Nöle is with Angela.  And the added spice is that most likely she'll see Victor as well.  Yum Yum.

She's out of email contact for the week because of the remoteness of the location so I don't expect to hear from her until around the 6th of November.  She'll be back on the 11th and her regular classes will begin the following week. 

So here it is--our first blog post on our brand new site designed by the phenomenal team of Michael and Jamie Foster--also know as BooJazz.

Namaste and Jai Bhagwan from Tenderpaws

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear Friends!!! I love the site and the blog, perfect! I am hoping to hear about the travels in Germany and Greece especially new insights and how the people there are feeling about the world; same as in the U.S. or different? I wish I could see you both and do some yoga with need your warmth and
